
Our clients have different needs as it relates to how they use furniture. Most of our clients need assistance identifying and solidifying the brand and image they wish to portray to their customers through the use of furniture.

We support and enhance those efforts through:

Sourcing & procurement
Custom fabrication
Project Management
Shipping, warehousing, & installation

We provide transparent, single-source responsibility for all of your public space furniture needs.

Sourcing & Value Added Procurement

Pharos Furniture has many pieces we design and manufacture. There are a few items we do not. In order to free up your time and give you peace of mind, we offer single source procurement and responsibility for the entire furniture portion of your projects.

From design collaboration through delivery, we will build what we can and purchase the rest utilizing our more than 10 years of industry knowledge and relationships. We do this through our completely transparent cost-plus pricing.

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